I love Spock testing framework, it has much more elegant syntax that JUnit. Also, I think it has a gentle learning curve compared to JUnit. Not so long ago to Mock or Stub Spring context beans was a pain in the butt. But Spock 1.2 version introduced an easier way to Mock and Stub spring beans.

In my examples I’ll be using Spring Boot 2.1.

Old way

In the old days to Mock or Stub Spring bean, we had to create separate Spring configuration which created our beans using DetachedMockFactory.

Example of old way:

class AccountServiceIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    AccountRepository accountRepository

    AccountService accountService

    def 'should save new account'() {
            AccountDTO account = new AccountDTO(name: "Income", type: INCOME)
            Account accountWithId = new Account(id: 5, name: "Income", type: INCOME)
            accountRepository.save(_ as Account) >> accountWithId

            AccountDTO result = accountService.createAccount(account)

            with(result) {
                id == 5
                name == 'Income'
                type == INCOME

    static class TestConfig {
        DetachedMockFactory mockFactory = new DetachedMockFactory()

        AccountRepository accountRepositoryStub() {
            return mockFactory.Stub(AccountRepository)

As you can see it contains quite a lot boilerplate code to Stub single bean. And it was error prone, you had to remember to @Import your TestConfig class.

Post Spock 1.2 way

Thankfully Spock 1.2 improved bean Mocking and Stubbing quite a lot and it became a trivial operation.


class AccountServiceIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    AccountRepository accountRepository = Stub()

    AccountService accountService

    def 'should save new account'() {
            AccountDTO account = new AccountDTO(name: "Income", type: INCOME)
            Account accountWithId = new Account(id: 5, name: "Income", type: INCOME)
            accountRepository.save(_ as Account) >> accountWithId

            AccountDTO result = accountService.createAccount(account)

            with(result) {
                id == 5
                name == 'Income'
                type == INCOME

Everything is done with only two lines. It differs from regular Stubbing only by single @SpringBean annotation.

    AccountRepository accountRepository = Stub()

To use this @SpringBean annotation you must include org.spockframework:spock-spring dependency in your classpath.

Also, there is @SpringSpy annotation for creating spies, but generally I’m against spying, because usage of Spies, in my opinion, is bad code smell.


Spock 1.2 version solved an old issue with Mocking and Stubbing Spring beans. You can read more about the latest Spock releases on their GitHub page.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy testing :)